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Jamaica ~ Caribbean Paradise (private tour)

February 03, 2025 to February 10, 2025 — 7 days

Tour Leader: 
Jamaican Spindalis
White-eyed Thrush
Red-billed Streamertail
Yellow-shouldered Grassquit
Jamaican Mango
Jamaican Euphonia
Crested Quail-Dove
  • 27 species of endemic birds to search for including Jamaican Owl, Jamaican Tody, White-chinned Thrush, Jamaican Spindalis, Jamaican Woodpecker and more.
  • Up close and personal with hummingbirds including Red-billed and Black-billed streamertails and Jamaican Mango!
  • In addition to the birds, learn about Jamaican culture and try the local cuisine.
  • Generally pleasant weather!

Tour Details

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