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Belize & Guatemala ~ Birding amongst the Mayan Ruins

March 10, 2026 to March 21, 2026 — 11 days

Tour Leader: 
Ocellated Turkey (c) Yeray Seminario
King Vultures (c) Yeray Seminario
Tikal, Guatemala (c) Yeray Seminario
Orange-breasted Falcon (c) Yeray Seminario
Rufous-capped Warbler (c) Yeray Seminario
Stygian Owl (c) Yeray Seminario
Vermilion Flycatcher (c) Yeray Seminario
  • Enjoy birding amongst the Mayan ruins in the ancient city of Tikal, Guatemala.
  • See exciting local endemics such as Ocellated Turkey, Yucatan Woodpecker, Black Catbird, Azure-crowned Hummingbird, Canivet's Emerald, and much more.
  • Explore Mountain Pine Ridge in western Belize, home to birds like the rare Solitary Eagle, and the Orange-breasted Falcon, as well as Keel-billed Motmot, Slate-colored Solitaire and Black-headed Siskin.
  • Visit Bocawina National Park and the Cockscomb Basin, home to many birds, and one of the largest Jaguar populations in the World.
  • Evening outing for nocturnal birds like Common Pauraque, and Spectacled, Black-and-white, and Mottled owls.
  • Explore famous Crooked Tree area by boat, hoping to see Agami Heron, Jabiru, American Pygmy Kingfisher, and Black-collared Hawk.

Tour Details

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